I'm trying to migrate from MS Word to Latex. Collaboration features are a tricky part. In essence, I'm looking for a LaTeX or similar language editor which supports
- work on complex things like 2 columns and subfigures
- tracking changes - automatically underline when i add text, strike out when i delete
- preferably wyswyg
- should be possible to merge changes from version 2 and version 3 into version 4
- each change should be accompanied by data as to who did it
- such data should persist across all future versions
- easy export to formats that make sense
I've already found
- LyX, but its track changes feature doesn't include author information
- TrackChanges style and GUI component.
- The program itself only has a style which adds \add[Autorname]{new text} and \remove, but collaborators are supposed to type them into the latex file by hand.
- The GUI component allows to accept and reject changes. This is good. :-)
- The changes are added into the file (apart from in a not-wyswyg mode explained earlier) not interactively (I can't just select a block of text in latex source and start typing new text and expect that it adds the relevant \remove and \add blocks automatically).
- GNU TexMacs, it has a versioning tool. It does involve saving old and new copy of file by hand; each tracked change does not include its author, which it should. (GUI for making these changes and for reviewing them is present.) "Subversion support" is mentioned but not documented.
- The option of using git with LaTex files. Provides a good overview but only in terms of raw markup. It should be nice to have a graphically represented view of changes, notes, and the like.
I've already read these questions